Hello Royals!


Welcome to episode 10 of Path to Kingdom podcast. Last time we talked about RPM which stands for Result, Purpose and Method. And like I mentioned, it’s a tool that allows us to achieve practically anything in relationships, in business, and in small and big things.


Then there’s visual clarity of what we’re trying to do. We have a road map that gets us there. But one thing that is missing from that method is that in the end of it, when you put the result that you want, you ask yourself a strong “why.” Procrastinations, people who want things that are not clear and or people who want things but they don’t know why because their why is not that strong enough. 


Then we talk about the mechanics, the map. It’s the easiest part. It’s listing all the things that we want to do, picking the smallest amount that will give us the biggest result–the 80/20 rule. 


And then we ask ourselves the question “who?” 


Who is the version of me that is capable of creating this version of my dream?


The “who” is a very powerful question because it allows you to understand and get a visual reality of that you are doing certain things in your life on a consistent basis that is either going to take you in this direction or that.


Now, if you want to learn more about this, then I suggest you check out the full episode! 

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