Let’s go for the WHY


Last time, I talked about clarifying your dreams and taking the time to sit down and think of what it is that you really want. And if you really want something, you have to first imagine it and really understand what it looks like. Otherwise, you’re just swimming endlessly with no destination.


So after you’ve clarified your Kingdom, it’s now time to go for the “why.” 


Did you know that your whys can be the most beautiful thing you can connect with? It’s your fuel to move forward and that is also the reason why it is so important to really know the answer to it.


Two Purposes of WHYs 


The first purpose of why is that it allows you to answer the question, “Why do I need to move there?” In order for us to move from where we are towards our dream, our kingdom, we will have to spend energy, effort, and resources and invest time to go there.


And remember, we don’t invest it in the kingdom. We invest first and foremost in the person who is going to become the king or queen of that kingdom.   


The second purpose of why is that it’s the fuel that allows us to go there. When we have a why that is big enough to match our dream, then we will go for it. But if the why is smaller than the dream, we’re not going to go for it. A reward that is clear and strong enough is going to be the fuel that’s going to get us there.


The second why


“Why can’t I stay where I am?” We need to answer this question.


Few weeks ago, I overheard a father and son argue. The father told his son, “I’m not going to change. This is who I am. Live with it.”


It was honestly a sad situation and it was a relationship going downhill. Why? Well, because one or both parties of the relationship refused to change. 

In my view, all relationships–all life–has a condition. We must grow and change or else, our relationships are going to be in trouble. 


Just think of this way. If you don’t change or grow, those friends of yours who have grown and moved forward may start to feel weary of your ways no matter how much they love you. 


Maybe one day, if they care enough, they will make you aware about it in two ways. One way is through a loving way. They can talk it out with you with gentleness and care. However, there will be some who will do it in a complaining way. 


But whichever way, we understand that relationships, whether professional, friendship, romantic or passionate, they all have one condition that will never be compromised on. That condition is to grow and change. 


Jim Rohn once said that you will always have the life that you have if you are always the same person who you are. But you can always have a better life, the one that you want, if you are willing to become more than you already are.


So now, ask yourself really deeply why you really want it. Go deeper. Go very, very deep. Why do you really want it? Why must it happen?


What will your life be like 10 years down the line if this dream does not happen? Now, you may feel a bit of pain just thinking about it. But don’t try to run away from it. Stay with it. Feel it. 


You don’t want that pain and you don’t want to be 50, 60 or 70 and only talking about dreams and never actually living it.


Stay royal,



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Intro/Outro music is “Words Remained” by Moderator (https://moderator.fanlink.to/mod)

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