I find meditation as one of the most powerful tools in helping people create clarity. So, for today’s episode, we will be doing a clarity meditation.

Clarity meditation is about clarifying your goals and the things that you want in your life. In the first episode of my podcast Path to Kingdom, I mentioned that the first step to achieving anything is to visualize what you want.

The small problem about this though is that a lot of people find it very hard to visualize what they want for various reasons. One common reason is because they try to immediately think of how to get it. Another reason is because the brain is so noisy and it can be hard to pinpoint exactly what we really want.

So, what we want to do now is to create a space that is purely for what we want, without bargaining why or thinking if this is good or bad, and without thinking what others think about it.

Now it is just “what do I really want?” and this is called the Perfect Day Meditation.


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Intro/Outro music is “Words Remained” by Moderator (https://moderator.fanlink.to/mod)

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