For episode 5 of my podcast series Path to Kingdom, I invited mindset coach Luke Wren to talk with him about how to live a healthy and empowered life and the keys to becoming the king of your Kingdom. 


We had quite a lengthy discussion on the matter but every minute of it is just packed with so much insights and valuable principles. Anyone who will listen to Luke speak about these things will really be inspired and motivated to live a life with a kingdom mindset. 


The 4 fundamentals


Luke’s 4 fundamentals to living an empowered life starts off with SELF-LOVE. In the interview, he mentioned that we should take care of ourselves and give ourselves love. And in the self love process, there are four simple things:


  1. Decide who you are.


What are you going to put behind the words “I am…” Everyday you wake up and decide what you will say about yourself. Do you say things like:


“I am passionate.”

“I am blessed.”

“I am relentless.”

“I am a gladiator.”


  1. What are you about?


Answering this question will lead you to answers that will help you understand what you are doing. It answers why you are working, what are you working for, and so on. Are you helping people? 


  1. What is your vision?


Without vision, people perish. You have to keep your vision close. You don’t want to get your vision any farther than a book you’re reading away. Because the farther it gets away from in front of you, you could lose your motivation, you can lose sight of why you’re doing what you’re doing.  


  1. Why do you do what you do everyday? Why is it important to you?


Answering the question WHY gives you a clearer picture of why you do things. It’s knowing the purpose and giving meaning to it.


Now, if you want to learn and be inspired more with Luke’s message, then I suggest checking out episode 5 for the full content. 


Stay Royal, 



Today’s podcast episode is a powerful talk featuring Luke Wren, a Mindset Coach, Keynote Speaker and Entrepreneur. In this interview, Luke shares his dynamic thoughts and wisdom on:


  • Self-love and accepting and making peace with your past
  • The four fundamentals to live a healthy and empowered mindset or the keys to becoming the king of your Kingdom. 
  • His personal rituals or habits on how he starts his day on fire and end with gratitude
  • And a lot of other motivational and inspiring words that will really shift your perspective in your journey to your Path to Kingdom.


Check out the full episode here: 


You can also follow Luke on his social media accounts:


Instagram: @luke_wren

Facebook: @LukeWrenOfficial


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